
Normal glucose and blood pressure levels

Normal glucose and blood pressure levels. Before proceeding, we must first gain a fundamental understanding of how the human body works. There are millions of people on this planet, and no two of them are alike, not even blood relatives. Every person in the world is unique, with a unique body type, weight, height, and strength. Every day, they eat and drink a variety of foods and beverages. Everyone has a unique living situation, occupation, daily routine, habits, and extracurricular activities. Even a person’s mental state will differ from that of others. We must understand that no two people can be compared because each has a unique life experience.

According to the allopathic system, human blood pressure, body weight, body fat, blood glucose, and other measurements should be within a normal or average range. According to them, the ideal (normal) range for human blood glucose levels is 4.0 to 6.0 mmol/L. The ideal blood pressure range (normal) is 120/80 to 140/90. A sodium content of 135 to 145 mEq/L is considered ideal (normal).

Is this possible? Even within a family, each family member has a unique lifestyle, so they will all have different physical needs. How can a single reading be suitable for everyone? No way and everything is a deception. There is no such thing as a standard set of requirements for the human body; the term “normal” is merely a marketing term. Pharmaceutical companies spread false information in order to sell their products.

The medical industry, particularly the allopathic medical system, has grown to be a multibillion-dollar industry. Several companies with monopolies in the sector have invested billions of dollars, and they manipulated the system to turn healthcare into a profitable business. They spread a lot of false information in order to gain more customers.

Do you believe that a truck driver and a teacher should have the same blood pressure? Do you believe that a businessperson and an athlete require the same blood pressure? Do you think Asians and Africans need the same amount of body fat? Do you think an American, an Indian, and a vegetarian will have the same blood glucose levels? Many healthy people have become their customers as a result of spreading false information.

In reality, there is no such thing as normal blood pressure, normal blood sugar, normal blood sodium, normal fat, or normal body weight. Every individual is born with distinct abilities and a distinct way of life. As a result, the requirements of each individual’s body will differ.

A person’s blood pressure and glucose levels fluctuate every few hours. If you check your blood sugar or blood pressure several times a day, you will notice that they do not remain constant and are constantly changing. Everything is just marketing jargon. Make every effort to comprehend what I am saying.

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